Whether you are in Australia as an international student, a tourist or an individual on work visa, you ought to have a migration agent.
Though the Australian Government has made every visa-related process possible for individuals to do on their own, yet most of the people prefer taking services of migration agents. It’s not that the people are not literate or learned enough to go through the instructions on the portal, they are a bit hesitant, or say afraid, to make any mistake unknowingly which may cost them their visa.
Well, if you wish to avail services of a migration agent, you got to keep certain points in your mind; these points will help you find the right agent and eliminate any possibilities of fraud that is very much likely to happen in this field of business. Here are the key points to keep in mind when choosing a migration agent in Australia.
Look for a Registered Migration Agent (MARA)
Registered migration agents can be said as individuals as education in Australia migration law. These individuals are registered and authorized by the Australian Government to act on behalf of their clients for any and every migration-related issue.
Most of the international students coming to Australia come via a migration agent, and most of them get further admission and their visa renewed via a migration agent.
When looking for a registered migration agent in Adelaide, you got to make sure that your agent is registered by the Australian Government. You can ask their MARN (Migration Agent Registration Number) and cross-verify it on the following link – https://portal.mara.gov.au/search-the-register-of-migration-agents/
Agent Who Provides the Service You are Looking for
Not all migration agents provide all the services, or say they do not have specialty in all the services. They are migration lawyers who specialize in certain laws. For example, if you are looking to get work visa services, look for an agent who provides these services. Your agent might have experience with most of the visa services, but when it comes to work visa, you must avail services of an expert.
Ratings & Reviews
Social media these days plays a big role in reputation of almost everything, and migration agents are no exception.
Whether you are looking to avail services of individual MARA or an agency, you must check out the reviews and ratings on their social media platforms.
It won’t take you much time, but would help you a great deal in deciding whether or not you wish to avail services of the agent/agency in question. Look for reviews of people who are dissatisfied from the services. An overall score combined with number of reviews will also help a great deal.
Of course, affordability is a very big factor when it comes to availing services of a migration agent.
It is suggested you take quotes from at least 3 migration agents and go with the one that suits your needs and budget. There are times agents tend to charge extravagantly, especially in case of previous refusals.
It should be noted that no agent can guarantee that the visa will be granted to you. So, if an agent is making promises that look too good to be true, look for another one.
You got to choose the agent considering your pocket too!The above points will definitely help you choose the right migration agent for you when in Australia. Referrals also work great in this case. Ask your peer group or other members in your circle, they’ll definitely help you with the migration agent that would suit you!