A visa rejection is one of the most dreaded things when looking to go overseas. Be it a tourist visa, study visa or any other kind, a refusal is taken negatively, irrespective of the reason. A visa refusal reduces your chances to get one in future.
There are number of reasons an individual may be denied Australian study visa. We have seen students extremely demotivated after the refusals, and believe us, it’s not a good feeling at all.
While different countries have their own set of rules, they follow a strict protocol when granting visas, thereby making sure the applicant goes back to the home country. The visa officers do not have any problem denying visa if they doubt your application/case in any manner. They reassure that only genuine cases are granted visas.
As we are talking about study visa here, there is a set of tips one can follow to avoid rejection. Here are some of the things you can do to avoid any such rejection.
Hire a Registered Agent
It is very important to get your application prepared and filed through a registered agent. A registered agent knows all the requirements of a study visa inside-out, and can help you get things done foolproof and quickly.
An experienced migration agent will prepare your case in a way that the chances of you getting visa get nearly 100%. These agents help you show appropriate amount of funds, choose relevant course, prepare your case file, etc.
Therefore, choosing the right agent for your student visa is a very important thing.
Choose a Relevant Course
Though your migration agent will help you choose the relevant course, it is always suggested you already have a decision in your mind. The agent is more or less involved in choosing the affordable course provider to you than the course.
Having educational background in humanities and applying to study science abroad may not help your case. You got to have relevant educational background and assure the visa officer that you are genuinely going abroad for quality higher overseas education.
Do Your Homework
This includes selecting your course/provider at your end, showing funds and arranging all the relevant documents. Detailed information is available across the internet as to what all you’ll need for a particular country.
Keeping copies of bank accounts and qualifications handy can help you a great deal. Keep it systematic and simple.
Write a Great Statement of Purpose
Your agent may, however, be able to assist you with your SoP, it is a must that you give them details about your educational history and work experience, if any.
It is suggested to write the SoP draft on your own, and later on get it edited professionally. This approach has worked best in most of the cases.
Your Statement of Purpose will hold great importance in your application, as it may make or break things. If you are able to convince your visa officer through your Statement of Purpose, half of your work is nearly done.
English Language Proficiency
As every program requires different English language proficiency, it is suggested you try to score maximum possible. The more, the better. Scoring great in your English language proficiency test will open a lot of other opportunities to you later than just study visa.
Practice hard and score high!
Please note that nothing guarantees you the visa 100%, including the aforementioned tips. It is solely on the discretion of your visa officer to consider your application and grant visa. You must make sure you provide all the supporting documents along with your application. The aforementioned are just the tips to make your case stronger.
All the best!